The KNU funds sustainability-related projects at Universität Hamburg and initiates KNU projects that take a pan-institutional approach and support the University as it becomes a University for a Sustainable Future.
To foster networking at Universität Hamburg, we gather information about other sustainability-related projects. If you would like to have your project listed in our Sustainability Research Map, fill out the form or contact us at knu"AT" to submit projects or if you have questions.
Network partners
The KNU networks extensively in the field of sustainability and has co-founded several networks to foster sustainable development at universities. The KNU is active in the following networks, among others:
- Hamburger Hochschulallianz für Nachhaltigkeit (Hamburg University Alliance for Sustainability)
- University and Sustainability partner network
- Deutsches Hochschulnetzwerk Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung (German Higher Education Network on Sustainability Reporting)