Call for Papers!ESD conference “Universities as Beacons of Change: Education for sustainability lighting up pathways for a new world”From the 27th to the 29th June 2016 at the University of Gibraltar
27 June 2016, by Sophie Palm
The conference organisers invite you to submit your proposal and register for the upcoming conference. The abstract should provide fresh perspectives and share innovative practice, and can respond to the core questions underpinning this conference:
- Q1. How can universities become beacons of change and good practice in ESD?
- Q2. What type of teaching approaches and professional skills are needed to enable university educators to develop ESD in their own organisations?
- Q3. How can we support university educators to develop professional competences in ESD?
- Q4. What are the connections between ESD, professional development and quality enhancement in higher education?
Please send your abstracts of between 200-300 words as word attachments before 30 April, 2016 to: conference"AT"
Abstracts must include the following details:
Title: no more than 15 words
Authors: names for each author with surname first, presenting author underlined
Institutional Affiliation: name of institution, agency or association
Contact Details: email address and telephone number for the presenting author
There are limited spaces for presentation during the event. A selection of contributions will be made by the organisers and communicated to authors by the first week of May.
This event will bring together over 100 delegates from across the world. It welcomes participants interested in teaching & learning and sustainable development in higher education. The programme includes keynotes, parallel sessions and a Welcome. Some of the confirmed keynote speakers are:
- Prof Heila Lotz-Sisitka, Murray & Roberts Chair of Environmental Education and Sustainability at Rhodes University, South Africa
- Dr Alexander Leicht, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Chief of Section, Education for Sustainable Development
- Dr Fabrice Millet, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Chief, ASYCUDA Programme
- Adriana Valenzuela, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat, Focal Point - Education, Training and Public Awareness
- Dr Fernando Galván Reula, President of CRUE-Sostenibilidad and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Alcalá, Spain
- Prof Nick Foskett, Chair of Academic Board, University of Gibraltar and Former Vice-Chancellor of Keele University, UK
- Prof Rodrigo Lozano, Subject Editor for the Journal of Cleaner Production and Assistant Professor at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Prof Daniella Tilbury, Director of UE4SD and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gibraltar, Gibraltar
For more information on the Conference or your trip to Gibraltar, please visit the following link