Thrown in – and then? What happens to our clothing donations?9th MIBAS debates on CSR
24 May 2016, by Sophie Palm
A donation of clothing is not only a possibility to get rid off old, unnecessary and unfashionable clothes, but it is also an easy way to act charitably. Yet is the answer for a sustainable handling of fashion really this simple? What happens with our donated clothing in reality and are there any other sustainable alternatives?
Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Geiger, the students of the Master International Business & Sustainability (MIBAS) invite you to join the debate with the following business experts:
- Deutsches Rotes Kreuz: Markus Tieseler - - Vice President - DRK LV Hamburg
- I:CO: Paul Doertenbach - Head of Sales & Marketing
- Caritasverband für Hamburg e.V.: Andrea Hniopek - Head of Livelihood Security
Date: Tue. May 31st, 2016, Entry: 17.30 h Debate: 18.00 to approx. 20.00 h
Place: Gästehaus der Universität Hamburg, Rothenbaumchaussee 34, 20148 Hamburg
Entry: free
Language: The debate is held in German. Questions to the guests can be asked in English, too.
Please find the Poster of this event here (PDF).
The event takes place within the context of the German Action Days for Sustainability (programme).