Now online: Research Map Sustainability
5 March 2018, by Tobias Wegener

Photo: UHH/Sukhina
At Universität Hamburg there are currently more than 400 sustainability-related research with about 240 researchers being involved. A new interactive map ‒ which was initiated by the Center for a Sustainable University ‒ presents all these projects. The projects can be filtered according to their institutions and thematic focuses (which are adapted to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). Thereby it shows the variety of sustainability-related research at Universität Hamburg and reveals references between similar projects.
The map will be extended continuously. Additional research projects can be added via an online form.
More information on the Research Map Sustainability can be found at the corresponding project description at the website of the Center for a Sustainable University (in German only). The map itself (in German only) can be found here.