Center for a Sustainable University
Centerfor a Sustainable University
Photo: UHH/Denstorf
24 April 2017, by Sophie Palm
Photo: unsplash, CC0 Lizenz
On Tuesday 2 May the 12th MIBAS debate on CSR will take place, addressing the topic “Sustainable Food Consumption - Business or Burden“. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Geiger students of the M.A. International Business & Sustainability aim to explore the topic from a consumer and an economic point of view together with the following leading experts:
The event starts at 6.30 pm and lasts approximately until 8.30 pm. It takes place in the guest house of the UHH (Rothenbaumchaussee 34) and is open and free for everyone who is interested. The debate will be in English.
More information can be found on the event poster.