Postdoctoral Fellowships
The table below lists associate fellows and provides a brief description of their projects.
Name | Research Project | Faculty / Department |
Bioenergy Landscapes in China: Blessing or Curse? |
Research group Climate Change and Security (CLISEC) |
Prof. Dr. Jörn Reinhard (Associate Fellow) |
Das Parlament in der Nachhaltigkeitspolitik |
Faculty of Law Chair for Public Law, Information and Communication Law, Health Law and Legal Theory |
Dr. Stefan Roski (Associate Fellow) |
Declaration of knowledge—the concept of sustainability as a guiding principle of research |
Faculty of Humanities |
Dr. Delf Rothe (Associate Fellow) |
Von Nachhaltigkeit zu Resilienz (from sustainability to resilience) |
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH) |
Nachhaltige Entwicklung, internationaler Handel und Institutionen (sustainable development, international trade and institutions) |
Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut Gemeinnützizge GMBH (HWWI) |
Dr. Juan Miguel Rodriguez Lopez (Associate Fellow) |
Nachhaltigkeit durch Marktmechanismen (sustainability through market mechanisms) |
KlimaCampus, Centre for Globalization and Governance |
Ph.D. Benjamin Runkle (Associate Fellow) |
Connecting the carbon, water, and energy cycles in carbon-rich northern landscapes through a sustainable research program |
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas |
Die Potentiale europäischer Feuchtgebiete in ihren Funktionen als Kohlenstoffsenken und Inseln biologischer Vielfalt (the potential of European wetlands in their function as carbons sinks and islands of biological diversity) |
KlimaCampus, Research Center Sustainable Environmental Development |
Dr. Marcus Scheele (Associate Fellow) |
Nanopartikuläre Solarzellen und Wärmewandler mit verbesserten Transporteigenschaften durch Vernetzung mit konjugierten Liganden (nanoparticulate solar cells and thermal converters with improved transport characteristics through networking of conjugated ligands) |
Head of the junior research group Gekoppelte Hybride Nanostrukturen (coupled hybrid nanostructures), Institute for Theoretical Physics, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen |
Dr. Sarah McMonagle (Associate Fellow) |
Sustaining Linguistic Diversity in the Information Age: A Survey of Minority Language Vitality on the Internet |
Faculty of Education, Psychology and Human Movement, Institute for Intercultural and International Comparative Education |
Dr. Florian Lottermoser (Associate Fellow) |
Die gesellschaftliche Verankerung der Energiewende (anchoring the energy shift in society) |
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Department for Sociology |
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Gottschick (Associate Fellow)
Socially Sustainable Transition and Power: Integrating “Handling Uncertainty,” “Participation,” and “Science-Policy Interaction” |
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, BIOGUM |
Dr. Astrid Sundsbø (Associate Fellow) |
Ethnische Segregation in Schulen: Wo liegen die Herausforderungen, wie können sie bewältigt werden? (ethnic segregation in school: what are the challenges and how can they be overcome?) |
Postdoctoral researcher at Uni Research Rokkansenteret, an inter-disciplinary social science research center, in the research project Parenting Cultures and Risk Management in Plural Norway |
Prof. Dr. Silke Lautner (Associate Fellow) |
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft (impact of climate change on sustainable forestry) |
Professor for Applied Biology of Wood, University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde |
Flexibilität für die Energiewende (flexibility for the energy shift) |
Faculty of Law, Institute of Law and Economics (IRÖ) |
In Winter Semester 2015/16 the KNU Postdoctoral College Sustainable Future organized an interdisciplinary lecture series on sustainable consumption and sustainability research. The were 11 lectures featuring 13 internal and external researchers illuminating sustainability from many angles. Documentation of the event is available here (German).